Pappoús Andreas

Pappoús Andreas lived in a small village called Dadia in Greece. Like many older people who live in small villages, he was very self-sufficient. He was a hunter, and he maintained his own vegetable garden.
During his hunts in the mountains, he picked various herbs and took it back home to let them dry. Greek mountain tea was one of those herbs. The whole house smelled to tea and herbs during the summers I spent there. This fragrant memory has become the basis for our gin.

Pappoús [noun] 1. Like a grandpa but so much cooler.
[see also: ‘legend’, ‘best friend’]

Andreas Dry Gin

Andreas Gin is a well-balanced combination of Dutch craft and Greek ingredients. A fresh and spice-forward gin made out of Greek mountain tea and 11 other botanicals. Open a bottle and you will not only discover the love for the Greek nature. You will also taste the love for Pappoús Andreas.

Born in Greece, distilled in the Netherlands


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